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by Jacob Brown on August 25th, 2020 changed to after acquisition from FM LLC

The acquisition and subsequent rebranding of binaryoptionshub is the latest development in the financial media sector. FM LLC, one of the largest financial marketing service providers in the industry bought and change binaryoptionshub in an attempt to divert the attention of the market away from these dangerous assets.

Binary options have long been a taboo topic in the financial industry, landing a complete ban in the European Union a few years ago. This acquisition hopes to either divert traders from trying them or to provide enough information about the subject so that those who actually trade stay safe and informed.

“When we first decided to buy binaryoptionshub, the name was supposed to stick. However, after careful consideration, we decided that it’s best we rebrand it so that a more optimal option, such as forex trading is the first thing people see once they are redirected.

We can’t stress enough how much we’d like to provide information about the danger of binary options rather than information about its advantages. We clearly state on our academy page that binary options are connected to even more risk than their more legitimate counterparts.

All we hope is that with this acquisition and rebranding, we managed to convince many traders to say no to binary options, or at least to stay safe if they decide to go for it.”

Becka Maisuradze – Wepbage Developer at FM LLC.

Regulatory clarity

Other than warning the public about the dangers of binary options, aims to provide financial knowledge not only about the best strategies and most trustworthy brokers, but also the legislative and regulatory landscape of different countries.

FM LLC has stated that this is done in order to inform potential investors about the laws in their own countries.

“Sometimes there is absolutely no direct information about the legality of forex trading, or any taxes due on net profits. Usually, regulators classify forex trading as something completely different, leaving traders to consult their lawyers or having to sit through hours of explanation with the lawmakers to understand easily.

What we did with our regulation page was boil down this information to the utmost essentials. The question is simple, and so should be the answer”

Giorgi Mikhelidze – Head of External Webpage Development at FM LLC.

The forexbrokerslist website is already live and open to any visitors looking for this kind of information. FM LLC has also dedicated a special team of veteran traders and market experts to provide tried and tested strategies and company overviews to their visitors.

By Jacob Brown

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